Space Holding for Black Women

Healing Through HerStories:

Listening Circle for Black Women Leaders

You have endured micro-aggressions, and been expected to produce unrealistic outcomes all while keeping a smile on your face.

Often under-compensated, it wouldn't be a surprise if you were secretly planning your exit, seeking restoration.

How do we fight for radical social change, without hurting ourselves in the process?

In the wee hours of the night, on my doctoral journey, I sat with the stories of six Black women trailblazers in the Civil Rights Era. I wanted to know; how did they do it? How did they survive? How did they heal?

From fierce activists and community organizers to educators and human service trailblazers, this is an intimate healing space for Black women in leadership who are advocating for radical social change.

You will be immersed in the raw, unfiltered narratives of historical Black women leaders who fought relentlessly for civil rights. You will then be held in an intimate sister circle where we will dissect personal insights, reflect on shared challenges, and strategize for the radical self-nurturance that the call on our life demands. Together we will...

  • Identify parallels from "her" past and your present
  • Explore mind-body medicine techniques to support the release of stress and overwhelm
  • Discuss strategies for connecting to the wisdom of our ancestors

Message for Black Women Leaders...

Amidst this ever-evolving world, I see you. I hear the weary echoes of code-switching, the weight of exhaustion, and the endless toil that society often places upon your shoulders. I also see your strength, your resilience, and your unwavering commitment to embracing a life that thrives, not just survives.

The truth is, the toll of code-switching and overwork is profound, affecting not only your physical health but also your mental and emotional well-being. It's time to reject the narratives that demand perpetual labor and embrace a path that nourishes your soul.

I invite you to explore a different kind of self-care, one that diverts from mainstream, palatable conversations and delves into the depths of your essence. It's about communion with the land, finding sustenance in sisterhood, connecting to ancestral wisdom, and rediscovering your spirituality. These aspects are not separate from your leadership; they are the very foundation upon which your power rests.